• Monday, 03 July 2023


    I want to start by asking you to reflect on this scenario:

    • The world and Australia have emerged from an emergency and inflation is rampant.
    • Workers are in short supply, while unions are aggressive, adding to upward pressure on inflation.
    • Coal fired power stations are struggling to stay open and power shortages have become end...

  • Wednesday, 17 May 2023


    Let me start by asking a question. Do you feel better off today than you did a year ago?

    I ask this question of many Australians, and I get a consistent answer.

    Inflation hurts all Australians. The impact of inflation is not limited to some. 

    I witnessed this first hand growing up in Nimmitabel, a tiny timber and farming town, two hours south o...

  • Thursday, 13 April 2023


    Thank you very much. Libby, Caroline, Michaelia, of course, Matt and other colleagues and many Liberal Party friends and supporters here tonight, it’s wonderful to see you here. It’s been wonderful to be in the West since Monday. It’s good to spend a week here actually and spend some serious time and see what’s going on here in the West. And I'm just struc...

  • Thursday, 23 February 2023


    Thank you ASFA for having me today. It’s great to be here in person in Brisbane.

    Thank you Martin and Gary for inviting me to take part in this week’s event, and Stan for your introduction.

    I have to admit that when I accepted this invitation to speak several months ago, I didn’t imagine we would be standing on a new front of the super wars.


  • Monday, 30 January 2023

    As published in The Australian on Monday 30 January 2023 

    Reading the Treasurer’s prescription for the world economy on the weekend brought a great American to mind. In 1986, Ronald Reagan said the nine most terrifying words in the English language were “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Reagan, in nine words said what the Treasurer has in six thousand, but h...