Statement on Earn or Learn approach

Thursday, 04 December 2014

The Government’s Earn or Learn approach is about providing assistance for young Australians who are most in need, while encouraging self-provision and self-reliance whenever possible.

I understand your concern that young people need support while they look for work, but it is the Government’s starting position that people who are capable of being in the workforce, should be. If they can’t find a job, they should be studying or training to enter the workforce.

Support for young job seekers needs to be sustainable and fair and so there are many exemptions to the waiting period for the Newstart allowance, including exemptions for those who:

·         Have a partial capacity to work less than 30 hours per week

·         Are a parent of a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child who has at least 35% care of the child. This includes single and partnered parents.

·         Are in full-time education

·         Are a part-time apprentice

·         Are a principal carer parent

·         Are a Stream 3 or Stream 4 job seeker (or Remote Jobs and Community Program equivalent) under current employment services arrangements (i.e. have significant                 barriers to employment)

·         Are eligible for Disability Employment services, or

·         Are in receipt of Farm Household Allowance.

I believe the best kind of help we can give a young person is to ensure they are job ready or in meaningful employment with the prospect of a long and productive career.